Sunday, October 11, 2009

Using Google Docs to Make Quiz with Images

I have found information on how to add images to Google Doc Quiz (Forms) by altering html code as suggested by author in .

The video on how to create a Google Doc quiz is at

This means it is possible to actually prepare math quizzes with complex mathematical symbols and diagrams first in word document with equation editor, capturing the questions and choices as screen shots jpg with ScreenHunter

Then use Google Docs Form to create the html file which generate the quiz and allow for collation of responses. Download the html file code and place these picture files with the quiz's html file (taken from Google Docs) in the same local directory. The pictures will appear in the file using the HTML "IMG SRC" tag before or after the question's caption and choice text tags. Test it as a local file.

The picture files and html file (the quiz) unfortunately cannot be deployed back to Google Docs or Sites as Google is not allowing user files with scripts to be uploaded.

I found that only PBWorks sites allow for this....!!! Great and I succeeded in doing one test quiz file. See

Embedded here for you to try out

PBWorks allow for hosting the html file and the pics, and runs the scripts and once you click submit after doing the quiz, the Google spreadsheet which originally generated the quiz (without images) will receive the quiz response.

My next foray will be to do automatic grading of the responses for the survey!
You Tube video on this at Automatically Grade Your Google Docs Quiz
... cheers.

It was a tough but fulfilling day.


Anonymous said...

Digg! Adding images to quizzes with Google Docs is a good way to engage quiz takers. Besides creating quizzes with Google Docs, you aslo can self-grading the quiz with it, click to view the guide about Grading Quizzes Created by Google Docs

mcsquared said...

Thanks Sarrena for adding the self grading quiz link!