Saturday, October 27, 2007

Feedback on Teaching

Would appreciate if you all could give me feedback on my Math teaching at the following survey link. I value your feedback and hope to serve you and your schoolmates better next year.

Happy holidays

Friday, October 26, 2007

Cool things to try out : Google Sketchup

Learn about Google Sketchup, which you can use to draw all kinds of objects. Especially useful for those who like D&T

You won't regret it. Here are the links to video tutorials on how to use


The link to download the free version of Google Sketchup is at

When you have tried it, let me know what you think about it.
Would you recommend the school use this software for D&T ?

Last Day of School

It's the last day of school.
Report books are out today...Clean up classroom and it's time to go home.

What will you all be doing after 9.30am?