Saturday, October 18, 2008

Blogs on Mathematics

Check this out.
A Singapore Super Math Tutor's site.
Very interesting and well designed site.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Some Interesting Tools of Learning for the Future

Check these very powerful learning tools for yourself.
Empower your self with knowledge and skills ....and help others too.
Let me know your comments after you've seen the sites or tried the software..

Learn mathematics through visualization and dynamic manipulations of algebra and geometry.

Pandora Bot (AIML Project by Dr Richard Wallace)
Create your own online thinking robot ( You train the robot to be intelligent)

Create your own 3D interactive animation story! Learn computer programming and artificial intelligence.

Create, store your mind, images, and life story in motion (videos), connect with others....
If you think Facebook, myspace, Friendster are cool, Lifenaut's got to be the coolest!
Beats 'em all in terms of features, storage space, intelligence and easy usage!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Nepal Trip 11 Dec to 20 Dec 07

This blog ain't dead. Was away on a trip.. and kinda busy clearing up my study in between CCA supervision.

Check out some photos of my trip to Nepal with my son.

It was a great trip. I recommend it for teenagers(endorsed by my son)! Exciting, fun, challenging -sightseeing the Himalayan ranges and rural life, trekking, whitewater rafting, paragliding, elephant riding in really cool weather and amidst very friendly people.

See some Nepal trip photos (will update when there's more time)